Saturday, November 3, 2007

Never too Early...

One of the most valuable parenting lessons I've learned has been from my brother, Cord and sister-in-law Heather. They have three beautiful children Jeremiah, Ellie, and Saddler, and one on the way due in January. From a very early age and I mean like 4 months old, they have instilled Godly values and principles in their children. I can remember Heather folding Jeremiah's hands and praying with him before every meal at 4-5 months old. By the time Jeremiah was a year old, he always folded his hands and prayed before he would start to eat. From the moment that Jeremiah could speak, they were teaching him scripture memory. I'll never forget little J-man quoting several verses by the age of two. To this day all of their children know and recite bible verses.

Dave and I have really made an effort to start now being very consistent with Tripp. We fold his little hands and pray with him before every meal. He is already starting to learn what to do. Heather always made her kids keep their little hands in their lap while she fed them. I used to think how in world does she do this? Well, I've done it with my own and I see how being consistent really pays off. At first I held his hands down and would say, "Keep your hands down" over and over. Finally, one day it just clicked with him and he keeps his hands down now. I know this seems silly, but it's starting young with our children teaching them obedience and respect. I truly feel that these "little" things are massive in the eyes of the Lord and will contribute to preparing Tripp to know Jesus. Our job is to make sure that Tripp will accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and we hope this will happen early in his little life. It's never too early to start preparing our children to know and understand the God that sent his one and only son to die for them! So, Cord and Heather, thank you for modeling this for us. One more thing, I must say that Dave and I have been blessed to have an entire family for us to model our parenting after. From our parents to all of our siblings, you all have done such a great job of showing Jesus to all of your children and to us!


Shannon said...

Hi, I am a friend of Callen's and was also a Chi O at Samford. I just had to say that I was so encouraged by this post! My baby boy is almost seven months and I too have been trying to teach him obedience in the little things like keeping his hands in his lap while eating. It truly amazes me what they can learn at a young age. Thanks for the reminder too of how important it is to already be teaching them about prayer by modeling it with them. P.S. I'm a huge fan of Babywise too. And on that note this time change has really stressed me out as well. Glad I have someone who can relate!

Tegan said...

Hey Shannon! I remember you! Thank you for reading and responding! I'm glad to hear that we are dealing with the same things. Have you read book two..parenting your pretoddler 5-15 months? It's very helpful as well. Please keep in touch! I'm going to link you so I can read your blog without navigating through Callen's. Tegan

Tegan said...

Hey Shannon! I remember you! Thank you for reading and responding! I'm glad to hear that we are dealing with the same things. Have you read book two..parenting your pretoddler 5-15 months? It's very helpful as well. Please keep in touch! I'm going to link you so I can read your blog without navigating through Callen's. Tegan

Milla said...

Hi Tegan...This is quite a compliment to Cord and Heather and rightly so! I am soooo proud of my babies...and of course, my grands!!! Love, Mom