Hello Everyone! This is my attempt to keep our friends and family updated on our lives. My husband David and I live in Atlanta, GA and we have two beautiful boys named Tripp and Cullen. The Lord has truly blessed me with an amazing husband and wonderful little boys. I love the Lord and I love my family!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Are There Any Safe Toys?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
Okay, now that I've posted this picture, I guess I'll have to use a different one for my Christmas card!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Welcome Valerie (my sister-in-law)
Please disregard the big pregnant girl in the picture...this was the only recent picture I could find of Valerie! Check out her blog www.timvalandkids.blogspot.com or click on her name in my friends list! Welcome Valerie!!!!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mary Burrett Wyatt
We "attempted" to take my mom's Christmas card picture of her grand kids this weekend. Tripp was taking a little break from pictures. I snapped this one...he loved the lights!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Great Weekend
Friday, November 9, 2007
Off to Milma's House!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thomas William Sachs 1943-2006
My father-in-law (Big Dave) and Dad singing oldies.
Jeremiah and Ellie with Pop Pop in the hospital.
Target with Dad!
Dad and Cord saying the Buck Island Pledge (It's a family thing)! We are very patriotic, needless to say!
Ellie and Pop Pop posing for a picture!
"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit," Psalms 34:17-18 What a precious verse and how true it is! The Lord has been so close to me this past year. As he took life away, he created new life within me. Most of you had the privilege of knowing my Dad, for those of you who didn't, I am sorry. Hopefully I can give you a glimpse of the man that I so proudly called my Daddy!
My dad was a Godly man full of integrity, compassion, grace, and love! No, not a perfect man, and he would be very quick to tell you that if he knew I was putting him on a pedestal. My Dad was so much fun to be around and loved to make people laugh. When he walked into a room people were drawn to him. My Dad had a passion for Christ and would share the gospel with anyone. He was never afraid to tell someone about Jesus. He was bold, yet very gentle and full of grace!
My Dad was diagnosed with Colon cancer in 2000 and battled cancer off and on for the next six years. He went through peeks and major valleys. He had what seemed like thousands of rounds of chemotherapy. The cancer did go into remission for a couple of years, but came back in full force. The cancer eventually spread to his liver, lungs, and lymph nodes. The doctors did everything they could to fight this disease, but the Lord decided to bring Dad home for his healing. My Dad was a fighter, yes he longed to be with Jesus, but he had a lot of life left and wanted to be here to see his grandchildren grow up. In the summer of 2006, the doctors told us that there was nothing more they could do and for Dad to "get his affairs in order". This would be the beginning of the best/worst summer of my life!
I moved home for the summer to help take care of Dad. I was teaching 8th grade at the time and school was out for summer break (God's perfect timing). My husband is a pilot and we own a small plane. This was a huge blessing and allowed my husband to still do his job and fly home every weekend to be with us. The memories we made that summer I will cherish for a lifetime. Our family and friends were so amazing! Words will never describe how grateful my family was for all the support from the people we love. From the meals, to the prayers, thoughtful cards and flowers, the list goes on and on. I'll have to say that we lived life that summer. We didn't take any second for granted and we enjoyed being together. On September the 9th, Jesus took Dad home. The home that he would be for eternity. My Mom, Cord and Heather, and David and I were able to be with Dad when he took his last breath. I get really excited when I think about seeing my Dad face to face again. A friend of our family said to me after Dad died, "Isn't it amazing that you were holding your Daddy's hand, and the very next hand he touched was Jesus'"! It is amazing, he was finally home where he longed to be, no more crying, pain, sickness, or hurt. He was home!
I feel like I must tell you a little bit about the sweet memories I have as a little girl. One of my favorite treasured memories is Dad reading to me and telling me "made up" stories. I loved for Dad to tell me stories about a little girl named Tes. Dad would make up these amazing stories about Tes and how she loved her pony, playing with her "dollies", playing outside, and on and on. I would always say, "Daddy do you know Tes?", and always was the same reply,"of course I know Tes", "how do you know her?", "she's just a little girl I know." I loved stories of Tes and couldn't get enough of her. It was many....many years later when I finally figured out who Tes was...Tegan Elizabeth Sachs!
Another favorite game Cord and I used to play with Dad was "Monsters". There was something thrilling about being scared, yet safe at the same time b/c we were playing with Dad! Dad would go in room with the lights turned out and Cord and I would slowly get up enough strength to be brave and walk in. Dad would pop up and make a "monster" noise that I have no idea how to describe in words. Then Cord and I would scream and run out the door with Dad chasing us. As I'm typing this, it has occurred to me how psycho this must sound to you all. Anyway, we loved it!
Dad loved surprises and especially surprising his kiddos. One day Dad came home from work and asked Cord and I to put on blindfolds. He and Mom then proceeded to lead us all over the yard until we ended up sitting on top of a new jet ski. Cord and I freaked! Mom and Dad were so excited to see us so happy. Dad did this kind of thing all the time. Since Dad always gave great surprise gifts, it never dawned on me that he could ever give an awful gift. Well, he did just that...gave me a horrible surprise one time. Same type scenario, Dad came home from work and came in the house and called for me. He was so excited and said, "I have a surprise for you"! Oh my gosh, what could it be this time, my mind was reeling. I was thinking another jet ski, a new horse, a new ski boat, on and on my mind went. As I turn the corner outside, my Dad is standing there with a brand new garden rake!!! Yes, I said a rake! He was dead serious! I think I started crying. You see as much fun as Dad was, we still had to earn our keep around the house. We worked in the yard all the time....and my job was raking leaves, grass, and pine straw!
This was Dad's favorite time of year! He loved Thanksgiving and Christmas. He loved to be outdoors! He wasn't much on sitting still. He loved to be working in the yard, always fixing something, or riding horses. He and Mom loved to ride horses and they did all the time. As the holidays approach there's a pit in my stomach that aches for my Dad. But you know, if I had the chance to bring him back, I couldn't do it. He would never want to come back to this earthly home after being in his heavenly home. He is in paradise with no more sickness, pain, or disease! And that is comforting to me!
I found out I was pregnant two weeks before my Dad passed away. What a blessing to be able to tell my Dad. God's timing is perfect! David and I have been so blessed with our little guy. He has brought our family so much joy in the midst of so much pain. Thank you Lord for giving him to us! I know that Pop Pop would be so proud of him. He loved his grandchildren Jeremiah, Ellie, and Saddler, and was so proud to be their Pop Pop!
Even though I miss him, I find great comfort in knowing that we will be together again one day. Until then, I know my Dad would want us to live life to the fullest, enjoying every moment. But most of all, he would want us to glorify God!
" Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again." Psalm71:20-21
I Love my Family!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Fall Back!
Thought I would share this sweet picture. I promise I don't leave my child in this for hours at a time. I was cleaning around the house and came around the corner to this. He loves this so much that he just tuckered out!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Never too Early...
Dave and I have really made an effort to start now being very consistent with Tripp. We fold his little hands and pray with him before every meal. He is already starting to learn what to do. Heather always made her kids keep their little hands in their lap while she fed them. I used to think how in world does she do this? Well, I've done it with my own and I see how being consistent really pays off. At first I held his hands down and would say, "Keep your hands down" over and over. Finally, one day it just clicked with him and he keeps his hands down now. I know this seems silly, but it's starting young with our children teaching them obedience and respect. I truly feel that these "little" things are massive in the eyes of the Lord and will contribute to preparing Tripp to know Jesus. Our job is to make sure that Tripp will accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and we hope this will happen early in his little life. It's never too early to start preparing our children to know and understand the God that sent his one and only son to die for them! So, Cord and Heather, thank you for modeling this for us. One more thing, I must say that Dave and I have been blessed to have an entire family for us to model our parenting after. From our parents to all of our siblings, you all have done such a great job of showing Jesus to all of your children and to us!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Tripp's Favorite Activity!
If I would let him, he would stay in this all day. I don't let him get in it everyday...I'm afraid his toes will curl under! You can't see in this video, but he jumps with his little toes curled under his feet!
I Can't Stop Myself.....
I'm already beginning to see how this whole blog thing can become a problem. I literally have been on the computer all day. Thank goodness I have a sweet baby who loves to play in his bouncy seat, exersaucer, and especially his jump and go! I must say that we have been blessed with an excellent baby! I know, I know everyone has already told me to beware of the "second child"! I'm now terrified to have another one because Tripp has been such a great baby. I have several family members who can verify that, well let's just say, every baby has their own personality.
Tripp is 6 months old and growing so fast. He laughs out loud all the time now, and he's so happy. He's sitting on his own, but still needs a little help to stay up for an extended amount of time. He sleeps from 7pm until usually 7:30am and an occasional 8am. He's been sleeping through the night for a long time (since 2mo. old)...apparently this is not normal...so I hear. I will have to say, and I know there are a lot of you out there who disagree, but the book Babywise was the best book I ever read! Don' hate! I know what some of you are thinking, but you have to read this book with an open mind and take from it what is practical for you and your baby. I have 4 sister-in-laws and 16 plus one on the way nieces and nephews and they all used and highly recommended this book. AND, drum roll please....all 16 of them slept through the night at a very early age. Some of you don't like the whole" let them learn to fall asleep on their own thing", but it took Tripp one night of crying for 45 minutes to understand that he was okay and could fall back to sleep without Mommy or Daddy. Some babies take longer. Remember....to each his own!!!!
I'm sure there are lots of good books and other methods of parenting, but this one works for us. We love our little guy and can't wait to add to our family.