Why oh why am I about to do this, but here it goes. 100 things about me. Darby tagged Ashley who then tagged me! There will be no rhyme or reason and the events I share will be in no particular order. I better get started...I'm going to be here a while!
1)I was born in LaJolla, CA 1979 and lived there for 6 years!
2)Parents are Tom and Milla Sachs
3)I have a brother, Cord who's married to Heather. They have 4 children.
4)I met my husband David in college.
5)I went to college at Samford University and have a degree in Social Work.
6)I got engaged the night before I graduated from college.
7)I am married to my best friend!
8)I have a little boy name David Lewis Corrie III, but we call him Tripp.
9)People ask me all the time where Tripp came from...even after I tell them he's a third!
10)I knew at a very small age that I wanted to be a Mom and Homemaker!
11)I still went to college and have a degree!
12)I did use that degree for 21/2 years with Child Protective Services as a Social Worker.
13)I loved my job, but love staying home with my baby more!
14)I taught Language Arts to 8th graders for a year as a long-term sub. They had to fire the original teacher.
15)I probably shouldn't have told you that...now you will be watching my grammar.
16)I have been married 61/2 years.
17)We have moved 5 times in six years.
18)I love to run and lift weights.
19)Once I start working out, I take it very seriously and feel bad if I miss a workout, this is probably not a good thing, but it keeps me motivated. I think I enjoy the benefits of working out more then the actual workout!
20)As I've gotten older I've become a little bit of a wuss!
21)I used to not be scared of anything...scary movies, jumping off cliffs etc.
22)I jumped off a 50ft. cliff into the lake 6 times one summer.
23)I won't jump off cliffs or watch scary movies anymore. I won't even watch commercials that promote scary movies(I guess that would be called a trailer) I hide my face!
24)I watched my Dad die!
25)It was the most terrifying yet amazing time in my life. Amazing because he was home and suffering no more!
26)I was holding his hand and the next hand he touched was Jesus'!
27)That takes my breath away!
28)I literally spent two months with my Dad rarely leaving his side....I am eternally grateful for this!
29)I am a believer in Jesus Christ and WILL see my Dad again!
30)The last church that David and I were involved(I say involved b/c we moved before we could join) in was West End Presbyterian (PCA) in Richmond, VA. We loved this church!
31)We are currently searching for a new church in Nashville, TN.
32) We have visited SEVERAL churches and are still praying about where we belong!
33)I grew up in Guntersville, AL
34)I was a cheerleader, played volleyball, and played tennis in High School!
35)I was a member of various clubs, but couldn't name one of them.
36)Yes I can, Anchor Club and National Honors Society (Is that a club?)
37)I'm not very introspective, so this is hard.
38)I grew up living on Lake Guntersville!
39)I now look back and realize that I took this for granted!
40)I can slalom ski and do various water sports!
41)My husband is one of the best wake boarders I know! He passed the "lake" test with flying colors!
42) People think that I am an extrovert, but I'm much more introverted then people think. I'm very out going with people that I know.
43)I have to work really hard on making new friends...not because I'm not a good friend, I just wait for someone else to initiate.
44)This is not a good thing when you've moved to 5 different states in 6 years.
45)If anyone wants to make the first move in being my friend, I'm available! Hehe
46)This sounds very desperate!
47)My husband is one of the hardest workers I know and he is the best Dad. There is nothing he won't do for Tripp. He even does bath time, diapers, bed time, etc.
48)My Mom made every single birthday cake when I was little! One time she made a cake that in every slice there was a prize! I'm still amazed to this day with that cake.
49)I change my sheets EVERY Friday!!!! I'm scared of bed bugs!
50)I LOVE good food!
51)I cook almost every night...except weekends! I cook pretty healthy food, but it's still really yummy!
52)I do not like mint candy or mint sweets of any kind!!!! Especially mint and chocolate together, this includes ice cream!
53)I only like mint toothpaste and mint flavored gum. I can't stand fruity toothpaste or gum!
54)I hate watermelon! This makes me sad....every summer I still try it just to make sure I really don't like it. I really want to like it! I looks so good and juicy in the summer time. My brother doesn't like it either!
55)I really want to complete a marathon...but I'm too scared to try.
56)I've done a 1/2 marathon and loved it!
57)I consider myself a pretty athletic person!
58)However, I'm terrible at Mountain Biking!!!! One summer we were in Aspen Colorado with Dave's family, and I decided to go mountain biking with the guys! I really thought that since I was athletic and pretty coordinated, I could hang. WRONG! We took the ski lift (with our bikes) to the top of a mountain and proceeded down! The very first curve, my body went straight and the bike took the curve without me! I fell 8 times down the mountain. Never again!
59)I'm very competitive when it comes to sports!
60)I love Auburn football!
61)I was going to Auburn up until the very last minute and I changed my mind! Glad I did because I met my husband...
62)I wish I was crafty!
63)I hate to scrap book! I think people who do are great and very talented. I would rather mop my floor!
64)I grew up with horses! I loved horseback riding growing up. Not so much anymore! I just don't have the time. I really want Tripp to love horses!
65)I love to snow ski!
66)Personally, I think Vail Colorado is the best place to ski in the world!
67)I've been going to Vail to ski since I was two!
68)I can't snow board! Wish I could! I've never even tried.....I don't want to waste any ski days trying to learn.
69)David and I are trying to memorize more scripture using the Topical Memory System by the Navigators. It's really awesome!
70)I've known the Lord for as long as I can remember, however I think I truly gave my life to the Lord in the seventh grade. That's when I had a "life change"!
71)I threw up for eight months when I was pregnant with Tripp!
72)Sometime 6 times a day!
73)I talk or email with my mom several time a day.
74)I'm close with ALL of my sister-in-laws! I have four!
75)I have 17 nieces and nephews!
76)I want to have more children!
77)I love Mexican food!
78)When we lived in California, a Hispanic lady named Polle lived with us! She made all of my baby food which was mostly Mexican food. She taught my Mom to cook authentic Mexican food. I guess that's why I'm a huge fan!
79)We were not rich and she was not my nanny! I'm still not sure why she lived with us???!!!
80)I don't like Starbucks coffee...I used to, but something just doesn't taste right to me! I'm confused myself??!
81)I love a good cup of coffee from my Capresso Coffee maker. It grinds the beans and makes the coffee! I like creamer in my coffee...I'm in to French Vanilla and Hazelnut these days.
82)I love to go out to eat to nice gourmet restaurants (which we don't do much)!
83 At nice restaurants, I always order dessert and coffee...even if I'm full!
84)I can't go to sleep at night without Chapstick on my lips and water next to my bed.
85)This drives my husband nuts!
86)I inherited the water thing from my Mom.
87)I love to watch movies in bed!
88)My favorite movie is Legends of the Fall....I don't know why....it's the most depressing movie I've ever seen.
89)I feel like I do a pretty good job of bargain shopping. Except for jeans
90)I love jeans and have way too many in my closet. My current favorite brand are Joe's!
91)I love Target and Forever 21!
92)Target is NOT cheap....forever 21 is cheaper then Target!
93)I once went on a business trip with my husband and there were other wives there who ONLY wore designer clothing. When they would compliment me on an outfit, I got the biggest kick out of saying it came from Target. You should have seen them try to have a polite response.
94)Don't get me wrong, I love designer clothes, just can't afford them (minus the jeans and an occasional top)
95)I have a friend in California who can afford them and she sends me hand-me-downs all the time. Sometimes with the tags still on them! I love it!!!!!
96)If I could, I would get a pedicure every two weeks. I don't care anything about a manicure!
97)The last time I had a pedicure was in November 2007 before Mary Burrett Wyatt's wedding!
98)I really want one now!
99)I was a Chi Omega at Samford!
100)My husband and I still wish we were in college!
I know that was really boring and if you read the whole thing, I'm impressed! That was really hard for me to do, but I wanted to participate! I worked on it for two days! I'm going to tag Abby and Valerie! I know you two can do much better then I just did! Have fun!
Hello Everyone! This is my attempt to keep our friends and family updated on our lives. My husband David and I live in Atlanta, GA and we have two beautiful boys named Tripp and Cullen. The Lord has truly blessed me with an amazing husband and wonderful little boys. I love the Lord and I love my family!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Weekend Recap!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Maundy Thursday!
My friend Ashley Turnbull (check out her blog via mine) posted this on her blog today. It is written by John Piper! It's not too late to remember what this week, Holy Week is about. As you head in to Easter Weekend, enjoy your candy, Easter egg hunts, and all the fun goodies, but don't forget to focus and prepare your hearts for the greatest celebraion of all....the death and resurrection of our Lord and SAVIOR, Jesus Christ!
Today is Maundy Thursday. The name comes from the Latin mandatum, the first word in the Latin rendering of John 13:34, "A new commandment (Mandatum novum) I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." This commandment was given by the Lord on the Thursday before his crucifixion. So Maundy Thursday is the "Thursday of the Commandment."
This is the commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you." But what about Galatians 5:14? "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" If the whole law is fulfilled in "Love your neighbor as yourself," what more can "Love one another as Christ loved you" add to the fulfillment of the whole law?
I would say that Jesus did not replace or change the commandment, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." He filled it out and gave it clear illustration. He is saying,Here is what I mean by "as yourself." Watch me. I mean: Just as you would want someone to set you free from certain death, so you should set them free from certain death. That is how I am now loving you. My suffering and death is what I mean by ‘as yourself.' You want life. Live to give others life. At any cost.
So John says, "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers" (1 John 3:16). Was Jesus loving us "as he loved himself"? Listen to Ephesians 5:29-30, "No one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body."
In the horrors of his suffering Christ was sustained "by the joy that was set before him" (Hebrews 12:2). And that joy was the everlasting gladness of his redeemed people, satisfied in the presence of the risen king.
Therefore, let us see the greatest love in action during these next 24 hours. "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end" (John 13:1). And let us be so moved by this love that it becomes our own. "He laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers"
This is the commandment. This is the Thursday.
Today is Maundy Thursday. The name comes from the Latin mandatum, the first word in the Latin rendering of John 13:34, "A new commandment (Mandatum novum) I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." This commandment was given by the Lord on the Thursday before his crucifixion. So Maundy Thursday is the "Thursday of the Commandment."
This is the commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you." But what about Galatians 5:14? "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" If the whole law is fulfilled in "Love your neighbor as yourself," what more can "Love one another as Christ loved you" add to the fulfillment of the whole law?
I would say that Jesus did not replace or change the commandment, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." He filled it out and gave it clear illustration. He is saying,Here is what I mean by "as yourself." Watch me. I mean: Just as you would want someone to set you free from certain death, so you should set them free from certain death. That is how I am now loving you. My suffering and death is what I mean by ‘as yourself.' You want life. Live to give others life. At any cost.
So John says, "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers" (1 John 3:16). Was Jesus loving us "as he loved himself"? Listen to Ephesians 5:29-30, "No one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body."
In the horrors of his suffering Christ was sustained "by the joy that was set before him" (Hebrews 12:2). And that joy was the everlasting gladness of his redeemed people, satisfied in the presence of the risen king.
Therefore, let us see the greatest love in action during these next 24 hours. "Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end" (John 13:1). And let us be so moved by this love that it becomes our own. "He laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers"
This is the commandment. This is the Thursday.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Fun in the Sun in Guntersville!
Tripp and I had a big week in Guntersville! David met us for the weekend and then he headed off on a business trip. Tripp and I stayed the week with my Mom excluding a quick trip to Birmingham to see my brother and his family! David's parents live 1/2 a mile from my mom, so Tripp got the best of both worlds this week. For those of you who don't know, after David's Dad retired they moved to Guntersville. While Dave and I were dating, our parents met and hit it off from the start. They LOVED our quaint little lake town and decided to retire there. Here are some fun pictures of our week!
Little Mommy, I mean Ellie made sure that Tripp was well taken care of!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Big Day!!
We had a big day today! The weather was beautiful and warm, so we decided to take Tripp to the park. He rode the slide for the first time and he got in the big boy swing by himself. It's been so cold here we haven't been able to do any fun outings with him. After the park, we went for a stroll by this beautiful creek. We had an awesome day!

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