We went to the Beach with two of my childhood best friends and their families...when we were little girls, we talked about going to the beach with our families one day. We finally made that happen thanks to Georgi and Greg hosting our family and the Whites

We attempted pictures on the beach and got a few good ones. I love this one

My little sweet pea made it to the beach a few times, but thanks to the two wonderful babysitters that Georgi brought, he didn't have to

Tripp played on the beach for hours and he and his Daddy built a million sandcastles and dug tons of holes. He had a blast

James and Tripp were best buddies

Langley and Tripp had fun too

The view from our bed! The place we stayed was amazing thanks to Georgi and Greg for hosting. It truly was an amazing place

This was the espresso machine built into the wall that greeted me every morning

Love him

Kate with Sam and Me with Cullen (Kate was a bridesmaid in my wedding and one of my childhood best friends)

Georgi, Kate and Henry (Georgi's sweet pea) Georgi was my maid of honor and another childhood best friend

Sam and Cullen! It's hard to believe that we all have infants and we all have a three year old. It was such a fun trip and I miss being with these girls on a day to day basis. It was so good to be back together again

I love these two sweet peas! Poor Cullen was just happy to be along for the trip...I never got a really good picture of him, but he's pretty yummy regardless!