Since I am a self-proclaimed "worst blogger ever", I will go ahead and once again let this post be a free for all catch up post.

My baby is growing up...18 months old now. He's saying new words everyday and trying his hardest to keep up with his big brother.

We celebrated Dave's birthday. The boys and I decided to decorate the house before Daddy came home from work. We blew up (or I did) a whole bag of balloons and put them all over the house with a big Happy Birthday Banner. T was so excited for him to get home. Tripp picked out hand cuffs and a police badge from the dollar store for his birthday gift to Dad.
No cake for this Daddy, he's a cobbler man...this particular night was peach.

We met my brother and his family and one of Dave's sisters and her family at the lake for 4th of July. We had pool time and lake time and TONS of fun!

Judson, Corrie, Ellie, and Tripp.

Cullen , Chapman, and Josiah having a pool snack.

Jud and Trip are still BFF and cousins :)

The Sachs/Corrie clan on the Fourth!
My little chunky monkey! It was HOT and he miserable! Maybe just maybe I'll get my act together and post some more summer fun before Fall ;)