Last week we headed to Guntersville to spend my nieces and nephews spring break with them. They drove down from Southern Indiana and we all got together for some long overdue family time. There were so many kids and I honestly couldn't tell you how many there were. Each of them brought a friend along for the trip. The more the merrier, right? David's sisters Jennie and Valerie were there with their families. Shout out to Lisa and the Russell family who we missed terribly! Tripp had THE best time and soaked up every single minute with his cousins. The weather was not perfect, but even overcast, rainy days are beautiful when you are at the lake.
Tripp and Landry are BEST cousins! They get along so well and love each other so much.
Some of the kiddos after dinner out one night. I think we had a table for 20!
Cullen got some major lovin from his Aunts and cousins. He's pretty happy in this picture because he got a sucker from Uncle Tim...his very first sucker. He's so stinkin cute I can hardly stand it!

With older cousins comes built in babysitters! The adults even got away for a night out...Sushi at Surin...yum!
My two favorite Mama's in the whole wide world. Milma and MiMi you are loved by so many!
David and Tim's idea of posing for a picture:)

The mornings were cool, so Dave and the boys would have a warm fire in the fireplace waiting for me!
This is how we feed the masses at Milma's house. Buffet style not lacking in flavor...ever!! Prime Rib, mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese, and Strawberry Salad. Divine!
I hope we can get up to Indiana very soon...we already miss everyone so much!