I'm sure if we are facebook friends, you know that I have been training for my first marathon. I am happy to say that on Sunday I completed 26.2 miles. I am overwhelmed with joy and lots of body pain;) Three weeks before my marathon, I injured my knee during training. I took the last two weeks of training off and was basically scared to death that all of the handwork during training was going to be for nothing. Around miles 19 and 20 my left knee was in excruciating pain and doubt started to creep into my mind that I wouldn't finish. I knew it would be by the grace of God if I was going to finish. I now understand to the fullest extent what they mean when they say that finishing a marathon boils down to a mental game! My husband met me at mile 25 and ran the rest of the way with me. Tears were streaming down my face when I saw him running towards me. My knee was in so much pain and I kept telling myself, "just get to your family and they'll pull you through". I knew that my family would be waiting for me at the finish line! I have the most supportive husband and family. It was one of the greatest moments of my life finishing this marathon. My time was 4 hrs. 30 min. 45 sec. to be exact!
My running partner Sharon. This is early in the race.
My amazing family that waited for me at the finish line...screaming their heads off. I love every single one of them to pieces!
After I came through the chute (the gates of the finish line) David was there to get me and literally hold m up because my knee was shot!
My little man, Tripp was so proud and excited!
I love my brother, he was so proud of me. One of the first things he said to me was, "Dad would be so proud of you"!

My family sacrificed a lot during my training, especially my husband...I am extremely grateful!
I'll leave you with my NASTY, GROSS feet! No pain, no gain!