Just some pictures of Christmas at my Mom's

I made Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls and my big brother was huge help. I even used my Mamma's apron so I could be sure they would taste good!
Santa came to visit us at our annual Christmas Eve party with the Richter/Whitaker families!Tripp was the first to jump in his arms...he's so shy;)

Typical family picture:)
After the party we always go back to my Mom's to exchange gifts and read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" with Joe, Kim, Joseph and Clay. We have been doing this since Joseph and Clay were babies. My Dad would always read and now Cord has stepped in to the the role. Dad would be proud, he reads it just like him...Yankee accent and all! We all get a good laugh:)

Waiting to see what Santa brought! Saddler and Tripp look thrilled to be waiting...

Santa came through with a weed eater, chainsaw, and army tank with working buttons (What Tripp wanted in his words). Santa brought Cully a few things too!

When Tripp was this age, he was a Mamma's boy, not Cullen, he LOVES his Daddy! I mean, he loves me too, but nobody can make him smile like his Daddy:)

Tripp and Judson jam session...

Christmas dinner where I am still in my Pajamas. Mom outdid herself with Beef Tenderloin with Pancheta, Scalloped potato tart, Strawberry Salad, and Creme Brule' for dessert. Yum!
Merry Christmas 2010!