Sunday, December 19, 2010

Celebrating the Season...


We decorated the Christmas tree and guess who undecorates it every day...

Cullen enjoys taking the ornaments off the tree over and over again.
Cullen was so funny laying in the seat...totally chillin!
We love our Costco that was just built a mile from our house.
We visited Santa and asked him for a weed eater and a chainsaw:)

We wrote and mailed our letter to Santa at Macy's.

We made Christmas cookies with our cousins at Milma's.
Sweet pea smiles ALL the time and is a true joy to be around. He is 11 months old...can't believe he'll be a year old next month. He says Mama, Dada, Uh Oh, Bye, Ni Ni (Night, Night) and NO, thanks to Tripp teaching him.

Something New...and Old

Can't decide if I'm going to keep blogging. I just can't seem to keep up and I don't think anyone reads. Here's a run down of the last several months. Sorry it's lengthy!
Tripp started Preschool in September...

October was full of Halloween fun..
Cullen and Tripp became inseparable and Cullen can move and groove...
I'm training for a marathon with my friend Sharon. It's in Birmingham on Feb 13th

Both my babies were baptized...(obviously I NEVER edit my pictures and my camera STINKS)
November we spent Thanksgiving with my Mom and yes all of the above food was for three adults and two very small children:)

If you finished this post, thanks for sticking around. I will do a separate post on Christmas.