First things first, Cullen actually is 9 weeks old as of yesterday! I can't believe how time has flown. He's edible and full of rolls! We adore him in every way. He's the best little guy and such a great travel buddy. He slept on the beach in his stroller the entire day and didn't make a peep on the way to and from the beach (6hrs)!!!

This one is edible too...my firstborn!

We went to the beach with Dave's sister, Valerie and her family! They were so gracious to host us and make a beach trip possible!!!! So a big thank you to them!

Tripp and Landry (my niece) doing what they did for hours!!!!!!!!!!
Little peanut slept on the beach in his stroller all day! It was great...now if he'll just stay this way:)

Tripp and Daddy built lots of sandcastles!

How beautiful is this sweet girl...she and Tripp were best buddies!

The big boys even played a bit with my little guy! Harrison, James, & Garrett.
Little man with his sun gear on!

Tim & Val the lovely hosts!!!!

My precious niece Taylor and her friend Mary! They were such fun, sweet girls to be around. It reminded me so much of me in middle school at the beach:)

Dave with his sister Valerie

Papa taking a rest...pay no attention to the ugly sweatshirt he has on. He said, "It was the only one Wal-Mart had and I was cold" We do not cheer for Alabama in this family;)