Friday, September 11, 2009

Anybody There?

Judson, Tripp, Saddler, Ellie, and Jeremiah (Fourth of July) Two more on the way, Heather is due with number 5 in early December and I will be shortly behind in early February!!
I know most of you have lost faith in my blogging abilities, and I don't blame you. We currently don't have Internet at my house and that poses a problem for blogging. I have a blackberry and so I still use my google reader to keep up with you guys. The downside is its too hard to blog from my blackberry and it won't let me leave comments on other blogs (through reader)! So, just to update you all...we're pregnant with number two! A little boy will be joining our family around February 6th! I'm 19 weeks tomorrow! We are thrilled to bring another precious, BUSY boy into our family! I hope to get Internet before he's born so there will be some sort of documentation of his little life...if you know me, you know I don't scrapbook!!!! Until next time!