I had to post this video of Tripp watching American Idol. He really gets going at the end of the video, but the best part is when he spontaneously bites Dave's knee. (no, I don't encourage biting) By the way, many of you have asked if I found my camcorder, and the answer is NO! I used my camera to shoot this video...hence the poor quality. I broke down and bought a new camera charger so I could at least take pictures. Keep praying that I find my camcorder. Thanks!
Hello Everyone! This is my attempt to keep our friends and family updated on our lives. My husband David and I live in Atlanta, GA and we have two beautiful boys named Tripp and Cullen. The Lord has truly blessed me with an amazing husband and wonderful little boys. I love the Lord and I love my family!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yes, He's One...Officially!

Yesterday my baby boy officially turned one! It's hard to believe that a year ago I held this tiny miracle in my arms. I'll never ever forget the feeling of holding my first baby for the first time. Words cannot describe the emotions and immediate love you have for your child. I am one thankful, blessed Mommy. I guess this is my blog and if there's any day to brag on your child, it's on their birthday...right? We have been so blessed with a great, easy going baby! Now I know that my next one will probably give me fits, but I am thankful for this precious little content baby! Here are some things about Tripp:
* He's a happy baby 99% of the time. He wakes up happy and goes to bed happy. Those of you who know my boy can attest to this.
*He's a great sleeper and always has been. He goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up around 8:30 or 9:00! I feel bad for sharing this because I know that everyone has not had this experience...but I'm sure my time is coming...so don't worry, when my next one doesn't sleep, I'll be sure to post about that!
*He's a great sleeper and always has been. He goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up around 8:30 or 9:00! I feel bad for sharing this because I know that everyone has not had this experience...but I'm sure my time is coming...so don't worry, when my next one doesn't sleep, I'll be sure to post about that!
*He takes two naps a day usually around 11/2 to 2 hours.
*He's not quite walking yet, but is so close. He will take about 4 steps and then fall to his knees and take off crawling. He is a FAST crawler! I think that's why he doesn't care too much about walking.
*He says Momma, Daddy, Papa, Milma (but really sounds like Mema), Ei-Ei-Oh, Uh-Oh (all the time), Yayyyyyy, and pretty much babbles all the time.
*He tries to mimic everything we do. Any faces we make or sounds. If we sneeze, he'll pretend to sneeze also. It's so funny!
*He tries to mimic everything we do. Any faces we make or sounds. If we sneeze, he'll pretend to sneeze also. It's so funny!
*He loves to dance. Anytime there's music or we sing, he dances and raises one hand in the air like he's rapping.
*He loves Sesame Street and especially when Elmo comes on. He gets really excited and smiles at the TV. He also loves the Cedarmont Kids Praise DVDs. These are awesome and I highly recommend them (available at Lifeway Christian Bookstore). It's a bunch of kids singing nursery rhymes and praise music. He will watch the entire DVD twice.
*He loves Sesame Street and especially when Elmo comes on. He gets really excited and smiles at the TV. He also loves the Cedarmont Kids Praise DVDs. These are awesome and I highly recommend them (available at Lifeway Christian Bookstore). It's a bunch of kids singing nursery rhymes and praise music. He will watch the entire DVD twice.
*He has no fear and will dive off the bed, into the lake, or down the steps if we would let him!
*He LOVES bath time! He loves everything about it...even when we dump water over his head. He loves to dip his face in the water and try to drink it! He loves to scoot up and down the bathtub. And, he loves to splash of course!
*He's slowly but surely getting sign language. He can finally do all done! We are working on more, please, and thank you! Those are really the only ones I care about teaching him.
*He's slowly but surely getting sign language. He can finally do all done! We are working on more, please, and thank you! Those are really the only ones I care about teaching him.
*He loves to wear hats! Mimi and Papa just bought him three new John Deer hats to go with his tractor.
*He loves his paci! He usually only takes it at night, unless we are traveling. The whole paci debate doesn't bother me at all. He loves it, and so do I! However, I probably will take it away around 16 months, or heck maybe when he's 2! Stay tuned!
David and I can't imagine our lives without Tripp. He's been a true joy in our lives. I call him my little miracle baby. I found out I was pregnant with him two weeks before my Dad passed away. My Dad wanted nothing more then for me to have a baby. I wanted him to know I was pregnant before he died. The doctors told me I was not ovulating and therefore could not get pregnant unless we started some medication. I knew Dad wasn't doing well and this scared me. The day I went to the doctor to start the medication, I asked the doctor to give me a pregnancy test. She kindly replied with "I'll be glad to, but you know there's really no way you can be pregnant". I said," I know, but I just want to put my mind at ease before I put all these drugs in my body." The test was negative. I left the doctor to start the regimen of medication. Two hours after I left, the nurse called me to say that she was cleaning up in the lab and noticed that my pregnancy test had a faint line on it. Long story short, I went back to the doctor for blood work. The result was David Lewis Corrie III! My Dad could not get out of bed at this point, but when I told him I was pregnant, he LEAPT out of bed and starting saying "thank you Jesus" over and over! Now, I cannot end this story without telling you about the stranger who came to my parents front door to pray for my Dad the day before my doctors appointment. (I was staying at my parents house all summer to take care of Dad) She said that God had told her to come and pray for my Dad and of course I let her in. After she prayed over my Dad, she left. I very clearly felt the Holy Spirit press upon my heart to go and stop her and ask her to pray for me and my situation. So that's what I did (which was way out of my comfort zone). We sat down in my parents front yard and she put her hand on my stomach and started praying. She very clearly said, "Father thank you for this child, I know you will grow them up to be a Godly follower of you." She continued to pray other things, but that was all I heard. You already know the rest of the story that Ishared above. The next day was my doctor's appointment.
David and I can't imagine our lives without Tripp. He's been a true joy in our lives. I call him my little miracle baby. I found out I was pregnant with him two weeks before my Dad passed away. My Dad wanted nothing more then for me to have a baby. I wanted him to know I was pregnant before he died. The doctors told me I was not ovulating and therefore could not get pregnant unless we started some medication. I knew Dad wasn't doing well and this scared me. The day I went to the doctor to start the medication, I asked the doctor to give me a pregnancy test. She kindly replied with "I'll be glad to, but you know there's really no way you can be pregnant". I said," I know, but I just want to put my mind at ease before I put all these drugs in my body." The test was negative. I left the doctor to start the regimen of medication. Two hours after I left, the nurse called me to say that she was cleaning up in the lab and noticed that my pregnancy test had a faint line on it. Long story short, I went back to the doctor for blood work. The result was David Lewis Corrie III! My Dad could not get out of bed at this point, but when I told him I was pregnant, he LEAPT out of bed and starting saying "thank you Jesus" over and over! Now, I cannot end this story without telling you about the stranger who came to my parents front door to pray for my Dad the day before my doctors appointment. (I was staying at my parents house all summer to take care of Dad) She said that God had told her to come and pray for my Dad and of course I let her in. After she prayed over my Dad, she left. I very clearly felt the Holy Spirit press upon my heart to go and stop her and ask her to pray for me and my situation. So that's what I did (which was way out of my comfort zone). We sat down in my parents front yard and she put her hand on my stomach and started praying. She very clearly said, "Father thank you for this child, I know you will grow them up to be a Godly follower of you." She continued to pray other things, but that was all I heard. You already know the rest of the story that Ishared above. The next day was my doctor's appointment.
I felt like I needed to share this with you all. The God of yesterday is still the God of Today. He is faithful and if it is HIS will, he will still preform miracles! So, know you know about my little miracle baby. He is a gift from my Lord and we love him with all of our hearts.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tripp's 1st Birthday Party
Tripp's airplane cake! I put so much hard work into this cake. I had to drive all the way to the Puffy Muffin to get it! Ha ha...did you really think that I baked this...yeah right!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Are You Still Praying???
I could literally eat those chubby cheeks!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
If you want to see....
this sweet little face anymore, you all are going to have to pray that we find our camcorder and camera charger.
I have lost my camera bag with the camcorder and camera battery charger in it. I am sick about this. Our camcorder is digital and STILL has Tripp's birth, first bath, first everything on it. These are priceless to me and I am heartbroken right now. I truly am asking for your prayers. I am asking the Lord and praying in faith that he will find this for us. I can't use my camera until I charge the battery. Tripp's first birthday is in two weeks and I really want my camera and camcorder for this HUGE event. Please Pray!!! Thanks!
Tripp is making a silly face in this picture...these are pictures that I already had on my computer. Thanks for praying.
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