Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life Happens

You have a baby and the world stands still for a a week or so and then life happens...
                                              Sweet boy is getting big and starting to smile!
My big boys are silly and so much fun.  Tripp came out of the house in his Daddy's jeans the other day.      There's never a dull moment.
This little guy melts my heart into a thousand pieces at any given moment!
 They LOVE their baby brother in the words of Cullen "so so much"
 When Tripp leaves for school Cullen and I have our own  "school" time.  We read LOTS of books!

And this tough guy had a tumble on his bike...he's been riding without training wheels since he was three (almost four to be fair), but this day the bike won ;)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Meet Wiley McCord Corrie "Mac"

We are so blessed with our sweet boy Mac!  God chose a very unique and special day for our boy to be born.  Six years ago on September 9th, my Dad passed away and God chose this day to bring new life into my world.  I am overjoyed with thankfulness and the reminder of eternal life through our Lord!  I know my Daddy would be so proud!

 Wiley Mac weighed in at 7lb 6 oz.  Born at 10:41am

 Proud big brothers, Tripp and Cullen.
The best Daddy in the world!

Friday, May 4, 2012

It's a...

 My sweet friend, Brandy had a little reveal party for us last night.  Inside this yummy cake was blue icing telling me my future.  My future of three little boy blessings.  I've always said I was meant to be a Mama of boys and I that is just what I'm going to be.  We are grateful!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why do I still blog?

Well, let's see, we are pregnant with baby #3 due in late September.  Cullen turned 2 in January and I turned 33.  We celebrated our Risen Savior and we've been enjoying a beautiful, early spring.  That's us in a nutshell.

Some of my sweet friends surprised me with a little party :)  
 Easter Sunday
My sweet boys!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Blessings through this Holiday Season...

Tis' the Season...
Thanksgiving with my family! We spent the day at my Mom's house (rental) with my brother and his family. Mom's new house is being built and she should be in by summer. We are extremely grateful that God provided a rental house big enough to house all of us.

My niece, Ellie, organized, directed and was costume designer to a wonderful Thanksgiving play.
We even had an entire family horseback riding day. The little guys rode with Heather and I on the four wheeler while we followed closely behind the other guys. Jud and Tripp started out on the horses with their Daddy's, but eventually caught a ride with us.
Next came Christmas and we started the month off with non other than a Christmas tree from Costco!

I think all of the Christmas pictures speak for themselves. My little peanuts had a wonderful Christmas as we celebrated Jesus' Birthday.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween 2011

Let the festivities begin!

We carved pumpkins with friends.

Our scary pumpkins with our great friends, Ruth and Elias!
Terrible picture quality, but you get the idea...fun times with our great friends around the fire pit.
I'm usually anti-scary costumes on Halloween, but when I saw these "PJ's" at Wally World for $6 bucks, I gave into Tripp's request to be a skeleton.
We had an awesome "front yard party" in a friends yard for Halloween. Everyone brought food and beverages. The perfect way to celebrate!
Cullen was a little confused about how this whole Halloween thing works. We gave candy to the elderly at the nursing home, but we are supposed to take candy from these people?? He wanted to give all his candy away...fine by me :)

We visited the nursing home near our home to hand out candy to the "sweet people". Tripp was so precious to all the men and women there. He loved handing out candy and dancing for them!
My brother even snuck in town for a quick visit. He took us to a yummy dinner at Fox Brother's BBQ. We missed the rest of the Sachs clan, but we'll take what we can get.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Maybe I should just blog seasonally. Why do I even put this pressure on myself? Oh yeah, because I refuse to scrap book :)
Tripp started Pre-K this year and Cullen has been sad to see him go each morning!

Watching tractors with Daddy is the best!
Loved the pumpkin patch with my family...we joined my brother and his family for a fun Fall day!
Have you ever seen such sweet angels? I love these babies...every single one of them!
In September we celebrated 10 years of marriage. I love doing life with this man. He is my BEST friend and the LOVE of my life!